Crow repellent products
Hokkaido Environment Bio Sector Co., Ltd.
株式会社 北海道環境バイオセクター

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Product Introduction


On behalf of “Hokkaido Environment Bio Sector Co., Ltd.”, it is a greatest pleasure for me to introduce our business.
I think that environmental pollution becomes serious on a global scale, development of the human-kindly eco product should be demanded.
Fifteen years ago, our company established a complete recycling system by the development of fermentation product “392 yeast” that assumed yeast an ingredient enabled the waste disposal treatment.
“392 yeast” can produce the composting of the full ripeness type without being controlled temperature from various waste drained from food processing ground or the cattle farmer in the full seasons. I believe that our products and business model are able to contribute the reproduction of the earth which continued being polluted with a chemical substance, and I would like to push forward development of the products positively. In addition, our bio-business manages to reach it until trial manufacture to sterilize Trichophyton (fungi cause of athlete’s foot) which is a pharmaceutical field by the tie-up with various research organizations. I can provide it as a medical product soon.
In the 21st century the earth reproduction should be demanded rapidly, our business will make possible effort for promotion of the eco-business in a motto by “the repayment of favor to the earth”.
LinkIcon Products introduction

Sheets type products were introduced on TV


Crow repellent"By Crow"

Crow repellent
"By Crow" streamer

Depending on the place to use, cut to the desired length .
You can hang it with strings or, wrap, or stick with duct tape around the pillar, etc which can be seen by crows.

The paint of
Bird Repellent Eyes

Hokkaido Environment Bio Sector Co. Ltd have succeeded a new bird repellent paint made by extract of starfish components.

New Project

radioactive decontamination

experimental study





radioactive decontamination experimental study